
Showing posts from August, 2020

tbt PHOTOGRAPHY Workshop by MVI for kids



I am basically from South, but my studies have been mostly completed in Pune, Maharashtra only. And currently I am in S.Y.BCA (SCI). At a very early stage, I started working, doing jobs... So after my 12th Std itself, I have been my own decision maker. Since I had decided long back, to be an independent person - 'Independent' in the sense I should support my parents and achieve many dreams and goals at a very young age. Today, looking back, the decision I made at that time has been totally fruitful and 100% right. I am now totally satisfied with all that I am doing, and the way everything is panning out. I am earning plus doing my studies (and that too with outstanding results.) From the very beginning I have been very passionate about technology like doing stuffs with computers, laptops and new new things, and that made me decide to pursue a career in technological field. N lastly how can I forget Mind Ventures Intl which has given me an opportunity to be a part of them


It's rightly said that teachers brings out the best in their students.  Teaching, according to me, is one of the noblest professions of all. For me, teaching is not only my job, but also my passion. That feeling when one of my student excels, and becomes a better person because of my inputs and lessons, is priceless. Teaching is not just limited to the particular subject that a teacher teaches, it's much beyond that. A student develops a very friendly relationship, a bond with his/her teacher, enjoys the sessions and looks up to them as a mentor. And knowing that you are being looked up to, gives immense satisfaction; as that's when you know that your goal is accomplished.  Teaching is a give and take process. A teacher not only teaches but also learns a lot during this process. He/she learns about the experiences of the students, about the latest trends and what not!  To sum up, teaching is where you raise a child that you actually never had. And still, it feels li


Who would have imagined that everyone across the country would get into Online Teaching?   Yes, it has happened! 2020 has become a virtual academic year for students as well as teachers. Everyone is battling to emerge as the best in this Virtual teaching mode. This new mode of conducting classes online has given an opportunity to teachers as well as students to learn so many new things. Online mode of learning and teaching is a challenge for students and teachers. And who doesn't love accepting challenges?  This has led to everyone brainstorming and coming up with excellent strategies to come out as best with their Online classes. We, at MVI have taken this challenge and emerged as one of the best. We have made online teaching as exciting and effective as Physical teaching would've been.  I think that this phase of Virtual teaching will always be remembered by all of us and itched in our memories. It will give us an experience of a lifetime.  Somehow, we learnt ma


The new era of our society wants us to live up with many things surrounding us. With age, new inventions, new technologies, new views, new ideas, new lifestyle and many more aspects have wrapped us soooo much that sometimes we find ourselves quiet a little way behind. Changes are ought to happen in our life. Some are good, some worse, some cause pain, while a few bring relief. But whatever we do, life goes on with it and lets you realize that some changes are good to be made. During every stage of life people do behave differently. The thick and taste of every idol is distinct so it makes different things to work out differently. Nothings is better, Nothing is wrong but the way you work out is what makes you go all way long. Doing things differently is what the change is all about. Even if there are many things going on, one should never stop learning. One should never stop experiencing new stuffs. Our mind should always be engaged to inspire us everyday . Don't worry about the